License agreement

Last Update - 20 August 2024

  1. Introduction

This License Agreement ("Agreement") is between you and Grainient ("Provider"), governing the use of digital assets ("Gradients & Backgrounds") offered through the Grainient website. By accessing or using these Assets, you agree to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

  1. Assets Category

    • Freebies: Backgrounds available at no cost.

    • Go Unlimited Package: Gradients and Backgrounds accessible to users with a paid subscription.

  1. License Grant

Grainient grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, worldwide license to use the gradients & backgrounds in accordance with this Agreement.

  1. Permitted Uses

You may use the Graininet backgrounds for personal and commercial projects, modify them, and use them in any media format.

  1. Restrictions

  • You may not:

    • Resell, redistribute, or share the Assets independently or in a manner that competes with Grainient.

    • Use the Assets in a way that portrays Grainient or its products negatively.

    • Sell the Assets as standalone items without significant modification

  1. Intellectual Property

All Gradient & Backgrounds are the intellectual property of Grainient. This Agreement does not transfer ownership rights. Copyrights and trademarks remain with Grainient.

  1. Termination

This Agreement is effective until terminated. Grainient may terminate this Agreement if you breach any terms. Upon termination, you must cease using and destroy all copies of the Assets.

  1. Disclaimer of Warranties

Gradients & Backgrounds are provided "as is" without warranties of any kind. Grainient disclaims all implied warranties, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

  1. Liability Limitation

Grainient is not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the Assets.

  1. Generals

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between you and Grainient regarding Asset usage and supersedes all prior agreements. It is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where Grainient operates.